'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the houseYes, this relates to the 2008 version 2 RapMan, a Darwin RepRap I never got printing successfully.
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but the BfB RapMan running!
Now, with the Geared Brutstruder and a heater construction of my own, it is running. Some additional tweaks in the Firmware and Host for the final printing touch.
Firmware: Gen2OnABoardFiveD_GCode_Interpreter
Extruder: Brutstruder with Wades Gears
Host: ReplicatorG-0009 (patched so that spaces are not removed from cmd string:
SerialPassthroughDriver.java, comment out line #173 clean = clean.replaceAll(" ", "");
For those interested in the final Firmware and hardware design used, leave a comment and I will post the files as well.