Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finite Element Modeling

My first, modest, steps in modeling the heaterbarrel. Starting with a 2D model. Not taking into account real-life stuff such as convection, radiation and other effects (I am probably not even aware of :-)

First tried to get ElmerFEM to compile on Intel Mac to find out it crashed anyway. Then recently I found FreeFEM++ which is perfectly suited for this purpose.

Before I can add some more sensible comments to this post I have to re-read some old math and physics textbooks first. Partial differential equations, thermal diffusivitiy. All this may take some time ;-)

Please mail me your findings on your 3D printing heaterbarrel FEM approach.

Todays' update; 3D image (FreeFEM3D icw medit) of the heaterbarrel and NiCr Heater coil model.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I set out a while back to do an FEM model of an extruder also-- a task that really needs to get done. My objective was to find out how to design an air-cooled model that does not require a thermal break.

    Hopefully you can succeed. If FreeFEM++ does not work, i'd also found LISA, which might work for you.
