The Makerbot and RepRap both printing nicely. Found nothing worthwhile to to publish here. Most of the stuff I made is published on Thingiverse.
Best wishes for 2012!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Switched from PEEK to PTFE for the insulator so, finally, the RepRap can print PLA as well.
The new nozzle is a RepRap nozzle derivative. Without the PEEK mounting plate and with NiCr. The combination of NiCr wire and Chamois clay I prefer over the wire-wound resistor approach.
Construction details you find on the RepRap website.
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Feeling more confident now the RepRap is operational too, I ordered coloured ABS with RepRapSource.
The first black ABS print is a RepRap brutstruder backup. But, well, the black ABS did not stick to the HBP as good as the uncoloured did. Next prints, with HBP temperature set to 120°C, all failed with missing x-y steps after the first ten or so layers. The usual suspects, such as Z-axis blocking, were not the cause. My calibration seems to have been done too hastily and sloppy as a little too much ABS was put down every layer. Recalibrating resulted in a 5mm/s feedrate increase and a successful print.
Btw, the Skeinforge parameters set when calibrating the printer I save in this spreadsheet. The printed calibration cubes I label and saved as well.
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